Body Contouring for Weight Loss

Following weight reduction surgery, or just about any substantial volume of fat loss, your skin layer and flesh often lack elasticity and cannot conform to the reduced bodily proportions. As a result, skin that is severely stretched now could be unsupported.

Body Contouring Improves Muscle

Surgical physique contouring improves the design and tone of your underlying muscle that supports excess fat and skin and removes excess sagging skin.

A Good Candidate For a Body Contouring

  • Upper biceps may possibly sag and appear loose
  • Breasts may flatten with nipples pointed downward
  • Abdominal skin may extend, contributing to an apron-like overhang
  • Buttocks and thighs can droop causing hanging pockets of skin

Is Body Contouring For Me?

Prior to under taking the body contouring procedure following major weight loss, weight reduction needs to be stabilized.

  • If you continue to lose weight dramatically after your surgery, drooping pockets of skin may redevelop.
  • If you rapidly regain the weight after your surgery, you may stress your skin, causing strain on skin tissue which in turn may cause stretch marks and widen scars.

If you had weight loss surgery, our cosmetic surgeon can work closely with your medical professional to establish the appropriate time for surgery to gain optimum results.

Boost Your Confidence!

Are you ready to make the move and begin with our Body Contouring?

body contouring naperville, il

Good candidates for body contouring are:

  • Adults of any age whose weight loss has stabilized
  • Healthy individuals who do not have medical conditions that can impair healing or increase risk of surgery
  • Non-smokers
  • Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic goals for what body contouring can accomplish
  • Individuals committed to leading a healthy lifestyle including proper nutrition and fitness

Are You Ready To Rid Yourself of The Fat?

Contact us today to speak to our experts about our Body Contouring procedure for Massive Weight Loss!