
The Women’s Institute offers surgical solutions for Labiaplasty of the labia minora. This surgical procedure reduces the elongated labia in order to diminish discomfort in the treated area. It is a surgery that can improve a woman’s body after an injury or childbirth has changed her appearance.

Tell Me About Labiaplasty

In addition, labiaplasty can be performed on patients who wish to alleviate irritation, pain, hygiene issues or self-consciousness due to an enlarged labia.

This procedure is designed to remove the extra skin and reshape it into a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. Our patients have expressed a great deal of comfort knowing that our all female surgeon staff at the Women’s Institute has an understanding and sensitivity to a woman’s concerns and sensitivities about their bodies.

Our motto is “Women Understand Women.” Our staff prides itself on our caring and helpful attitude, helping you to look and feel your best as a woman.

How is Labiaplasty Performed?

The procedure will begin with the administering of an anesthetic – local or general, depending on your situation – and then excess tissue on the labia minora is removed with a scalpel, laser, or radio frequency cauterization. 

A good candidate for labiaplasty is also someone who:

  • Has realistic expectations
  • Experiences impairment in normal activities due to enlarged labia

What to expect during your initial consultation

During your pre-operative appointment, our plastic surgeon will assess the anatomy area of concern in addition to taking a full medical history before determining your eligibility for labiaplasty. The procedure will be explained at this time and any concerns will be addressed as well. Proper care for healing will also be explained.

Be sure to ask any questions you may have in regards to the procedure itself, risks, side effects, and/or results. A well-informed patient is more likely to achieve a positive outcome.

Boost Your Confidence!

Are you ready to make the move and begin with our Labiaplasty?

labiaplasty naperville, il

Some of the risks and uncertainties involved with labiaplasty:

As with all surgical procedures, labiaplasty carries its own set of risks and side effects. In order to avoid any serious complications, patients are strongly urged to follow all instructions provided by their surgeon.

Some of these may include:

  • Scarring
  • Pigmentation changes
  • Infection
  • An increased/decreased sense of feeling in that area
  • Asymmetry of the labia
  • In order to avoid any serious complications, patients are strongly urged to follow all instructions provided by their surgeon.

After Surgery

Patients will be allowed to go home the same day of the surgery. They may experience swelling and some pain; supportive undergarments may be required to ensure proper healing. Work can be resumed, typically, in two to five days, and strenuous activity can be resumed in two to three weeks. It is important to avoid feminine hygiene products and sexual intercourse for at least three to eight weeks post-surgery.