Your face is a major part of your identity. If it appears tired and worn out, it takes a significant toll on how others perceive you and upon your self-esteem. Facelift surgery can bring back a more natural, youthful appearance to your face, which will help your personality stand out and allow you to go through the aging process with grace and confidence. To discover more about facelifts and how it can benefit you, please call the Women’s Institute of Cosmetic & Laser Surgery to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hein.

Facelift geneva

Facelift surgery addresses a few particular problems that impact all of us as we age, such as:

  • *Loss of skin tone and elasticity.
  • *Diminished muscle tone in the neck and face.
  • *Jowls and creases that form between the corners of the mouth and the base of the nose.
  • *Loss of neck and face definition.

Contemporary facelift techniques are capable of taking years off your appearance. Dr. Hein is an experienced plastic surgeon with extensive training in facial plastic surgery. After an in-depth analysis of your specific facial features at our consultation together, Dr. Hein can put together a customized facelift surgery plan that will help you realize the very best results!

Facelift surgery, quite simply, can rejuvenate your appearance in a number of ways including:

  • *Tightens the muscles in your face: The underlying structure of the face is prone to weaken and lose tone as part of the aging process. A facelift tightens and rearranges this structure into a better configuration that results in less tension, helping the results of the lift to last longer.
  • *Repairs loose skin: saggy skin is trimmed during a lift to regain a more youthful look.
  • *Improves facial contours: a “mid” facelift results in a smoother look for the cheeks and lower eyelids, while a “lower” lift focuses on creating a more appealing jawline by eliminating jowls.

Contact Us Today

Facelift surgery – if it’s right for you and will attain your goals for cosmetic surgery – is a very effective way to refresh your appearance and restore a feeling of confidence. Contact our offices and learn more today!