Shapelier Legs

Shapelier Legs – Generally, cosmetic surgery to make a patient’s legs slimmer is most effective when performed on the thigh. For some women, liposuction on the inner and outer thigh, buttocks and the area around the knees may substantially improve the appearance of thick, chunky legs. Liposuction’s capability to make legs look slimmer depends upon the length of the leg, the quality of the skin and the volume of fat that can be safely liposuctioned. Not all women are appropriate candidates for leg liposuction or a “thigh lift”. Those with a substantial amount of extra skin – perhaps resulting from substantial weight loss – might benefit from excising it. In these particular cases, the extra skin is trimmed from the inside of the thigh.

Shapelier Legs

In liposuction or surgical excision, our patients typically go home the same day of the procedure. Usually, a compression garment is applied to lessen inflammation. It’s recommended that patients wear the garment for about three weeks following surgery. Patients are also usually able to begin walking on the same day as surgery as well. Some patients are ready to go back to work and their daily routines a day or two after liposuction. After a thigh lift, it’s recommended that patients take off at least five days. Patients are encouraged to resume physical fitness activities about three weeks after a thigh lift.

With liposuction, the only scarring is usually limited to where the liposuction cannula ports are positioned. With a thigh lift, patients can anticipate a surgical incision in the inside groin or along the inseam if a larger section of skin has been excised.

If you are interested in learning more about cosmetic surgery to improve the appearance of your legs, contact the Women’s Institute of Cosmetic & Laser Surgery at 630-232-7840.