Daily Skin Care Tips

Daily Skin Care Tips – Healthy-looking skin requires responsible care on a daily basis. The team at the Women’s Institute of Cosmetic & Laser Surgery is here to help – check out this simple list of daily skin care tips that will help you always look your best.

Daily Skin Care Tips

Only choose the best: the old saying, “you get what you pay for” can be applied when it comes to skin care products. The Women’s Institute of Cosmetic & Laser Surgery offers professional-grade products made with high quality ingredients that are suited for your particular skin type, tone and complexion. Ask our staff about which products are right for you.

Watch your food intake and stick to a healthy diet plan. What you eat influences your wellbeing, so of course diet also has an impact on your skin condition. Eating foods that are rich in antioxidants like apricots, carrots, and spinach are beneficial to your skin. Also consider adding fish oil and sources of omega-3 fatty acids to your diet for better skin health.

Lower your stress. Managing stress is essential to staying healthy – and that goes for the condition of your skin too. After a busy day, take a warm shower and then apply a quality moisturizer before bed. These two simple steps are calming and helps your body prepare for rest – and also retains helpful moisture in the top layers of your skin.

Wear sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor of at least 30 whenever you’re planning to be outside. Sun protection is essential for keeping your skin healthy!

The Women’s Institute of Cosmetic & Laser Surgery offers a number of different varieties of non-surgical treatments that enhance the appearance of your skin – from laser skin resurfacing and microdermabrasion to chemical peels or dermal fillers. These safe and effective methods will boost your self-esteem and leave you feeling better about the look and texture of your skin. For more information on the products and services we offer call 630-232-7840 to schedule a consultation.